Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Parts 9 and 10 - Writing the level editor

Part 9a - adding start position to the level data and beginning the level editor.

lets write a game in flash - part 9a from frosty on Vimeo.

Part 9b - more level editor.

lets write a game in flash - part 9c from frosty on Vimeo.

Part 9c - finishing the level editor, except for a bug.

Untitled from frosty on Vimeo.

Part 10 - fixing the bug

Lets write a game in flash - Part 10 from frosty on Vimeo.

1 comment:

tropt said...

nice try kid. Couple of crits:

1) Can't see what your typing
2) Can't hear you over the keyboard

So you've spent a heap of time giving the web community a collection blurry videos that we can't see or hear.

Better luck next time. Great effort though. The game looks great.
