Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 1 - getting started

This is the first installment in a series of screencasts in which I develop the game Magnet Golf using Flash CS 3. In this episode, I setup the project and make a puck that drifts from left to right.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 1 from frosty on Vimeo.


Chris said...

The screencast would be more effective if it were done in a resolution that's actually legible. Even in full-screen mode, I can't read anything you're typing.

Unknown said...

what's the point of this if I can't read the code? Seems like this would be really really helpful! Have you considered posting the code alongside this? This has the potential to be one of the most helpful Flash game tutorials on the web

Apt Patzer said...

i followed your instructions to the letter adn when i tested the first trace("yay!"); nothing happened
i just got the blank white flash window with no syntax errors.

also. why did you do all this in files and not in a project?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

what a pity ... unfortunately these videos are not usable ...