AS3 Game Programming

Monday, March 24, 2008

New, Better Blog, with More Content

I switched from Blogger to WordPress and add a bunch more content. Check out my new and improved AS3 / Flash programming blog.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lets write a game in ActionScript 3 now in high resolution

My series of videos on developing a game in Flash 9 and ActionScript 3 is now available in its original high quality on Here are links to the video files (right click and download them):

Highest Quality MOV, Parts 1 - 5
Highest Quality MOV, Parts 6 - 10
Highest Quality MOV, Parts 11 - 17 download page (has other formats)

Also, I put a little bit of polish on MagnetGolf (the game developed in this series), and released it publicly. Here's a link to the final release of MagnetGolf.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Parts 9 and 10 - Writing the level editor

Part 9a - adding start position to the level data and beginning the level editor.

lets write a game in flash - part 9a from frosty on Vimeo.

Part 9b - more level editor.

lets write a game in flash - part 9c from frosty on Vimeo.

Part 9c - finishing the level editor, except for a bug.

Untitled from frosty on Vimeo.

Part 10 - fixing the bug

Lets write a game in flash - Part 10 from frosty on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 7 - handling obstacle penetration

In this part, I fix an issue with obstacles that occurs when the puck gets inside of one. Now the puck moves away from an object's center if it is colliding.

Lets write a game in Flash - Part 7 from frosty on Vimeo.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 6 - adding obstacles

In this part, I add obstacles for the puck to collide with. To make the puck bounce, its velocity is reflected.

Untitled from frosty on Vimeo.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 5 - fix for that flicker glitch

In this part, I fix a glitch where charges continued dragging after reaching the goal.

Lets write a game in flash - part 5 from frosty on Vimeo.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 4 - adding the goal

In this part, I make it so that if the puck goes off the screen, or reaches a goal, it resets the level.

Untitled from frosty on Vimeo.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 3 - making the magnets draggable

In part 3 of the development of Magnet Golf, I make the magnets draggable.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 3 from frosty on Vimeo.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 2 - adding magnets

Here's part 2 of the development of Magnet Golf. In this episode, I add the magnets.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 2 from frosty on Vimeo.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 1 - getting started

This is the first installment in a series of screencasts in which I develop the game Magnet Golf using Flash CS 3. In this episode, I setup the project and make a puck that drifts from left to right.

Lets write a game in Flash CS 3 - Part 1 from frosty on Vimeo.